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AWS IoT MQTT with Toit

How do you connect to AWS IoT and pub/sub MQTT messages using Toit?

I was able to follow the MQTT tutorial on the Toit Docs site (, which worked great for non-TLS between my ESP32 running Toit and a Raspberry Pi running mosquitto.

However, I am now trying to to pub/sub messages with AWS IoT Core. As instructed in the TLS section of the Toit MQTT tutorial I have installed the Toit root certs package:

jag pkg install

I changed --root_certificates=[certificate_roots.ISRG_ROOT_X1] to --root_certificates=[certificate_roots.AMAZON_ROOT_CA_1] when creating the transport. However, it is not clear how or where to specify the device certificate and the private key.

In the Toit MQTT Library documentation ([email protected]/docs/mqtt/class-TcpTransport), it shows how you can specify a parameter called --certificate of type Certificate.

tls network/Interface --host/string --port/int= --root_certificates/List= --server_name/string= --certificate/Certificate= -> TcpTransport
  • Is this where you specify the device cert and private key?
    • If so, how do you create a Certificate object?
  • Do you specify --certificate two times?


  • You should have a client certificate and a client key. These are typically given by Amazon as "device_name.cert.pem", and "device-name.private.key"

    The certificate starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and the key with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.

    Let's assume that the certificate string is in variable CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_DER and the key in variable CLIENT_KEY_DER. The "DER" stands for the "distinguished encoding rules".

    You can then create a transport for AWS as follows:

    import certificate_roots
    import net
    import net.x509
    import mqtt
    import mqtt.transport as mqtt
    import tls
    PORT ::= 8883
    ROOT_CERTIFICATE ::= certificate_roots.AMAZON_ROOT_CA_1
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    CLIENT_KEY_DER ::= """
    <YOUR KEY>
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    create_aws_transport network/net.Interface -> mqtt.Transport:
      parsed := x509.Certificate.parse CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_DER
      client_certificate := tls.Certificate parsed CLIENT_KEY_DER
      return mqtt.TcpTransport.tls network

    You can then connect to the broker as follows:

      network :=
      transport := create_aws_transport network
      client := mqtt.Client --transport=transport
      options := mqtt.SessionOptions
          --client_id="<YOUR CLIENT ID>"
      client.start --options=options
      client.publish "YOUR_TOPIC" "hello".to_byte_array

    Remember that AWS has policies for each device that restrict the allowed client ids and the allowed topics.

    If you get an "invalid packet kind: 0", then you are using a client_id that isn't allowed by your policy.