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List of objects implementing an interface and interface extension

If I have an interface A and an interface B that extends A. In a List of A how can I recognise the objects that implement B and so call the methodB of interface B on them?

public interface A{
 void methodA();

public interface B extends A{
 void methodB();

public class CA implements A{
 public void methodA(){}

public class CB implements B{
 public void methodA(){}
 public void methodB(){}

public static void main(String [] args){
 List<A> l = new ArrayList<>();
 l.add(new CA());
 l.add(new CB());

Should I use instanceof or there are better solution using polymorphism?

Edit: I’am trying to develop a hierarchy to execute some commands for a simple game. The basic commands like Move and MoveRandom implements the interface Command. Now I want to add a repeat command and to manage the loop I have extended the Command interface with a LoopCommand interface(to respect the interface segregation principle). So when I have the List of Commands I need to know if the command is a LoopCommand and in this case call the anotherIteraction() method to know if stay on the command or go to the next command. For this reason I have done the initial question. There are better hierarchy or solution to manage the loop commands?

public interface Command{
 void execute();

public interface LoopCommand extends Command{
 public boolean anotherIteraction();

public class Move implements Command{
 public void execute(){}

public class Repeat implements LoopCommand{
 private List<Command> body;
 private repetition;
 boolean anotherIteraction(){
 /*logics to determinate if there are other commands to execute*/

 public void execute(){/*execute 1 command from the list body*/}

public static void main(String[] args){
 List<Command> l = new ArrayList<>();
 l.add(new Move());
 l.add(new Repeat());
 int i=0;
  if(l.get(i) instance of LoopCommand c){
  } else 


  • You can do it using instanceof

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    interface A {
        void methodA();
    interface B extends A {
        void methodB();
    class CA implements A {
        public void methodA() {
            System.out.println("CA's implementation of interface A");
    class CB implements B {
        public void methodA() {
            System.out.println("CB's implementation of interface A");
        public void methodB() {
            System.out.println("CB's implementation of interface B");
    public class InstanceOfDemo {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            List<A> list = new ArrayList<>();
            list.add(new CA());
            list.add(new CB());
            for (A obj : list) {
                if (obj instanceof B ob) {
                } else {


    CA's implementation of interface A
    CB's implementation of interface B