I am wondering if it's possible to store a function as a jotai atom, and if so, how. Simply replicating the standard pattern for creating and consuming jotai
atom-states, which works fine when the value of the state is an array, does not work when the value of the state is a function.
import { atom } from "jotai";
function test(x) {return x + 4;}
let testa = atom(test);
export { testa };
import { testa } from "./jotaiStore.js";
import { useAtom } from "jotai";
export default function App() {
const [locTest, locSetTest] = useAtom(testa);
return (
<div className="App">
See https://codesandbox.io/s/thirsty-brook-n1ucjr?file=/src/App.js:24-493.
The resulting log for console.log(locTest)
function (a) {
var aState = a === atom ? getAtomState(version, a) : readAtomState(version, a);
if (aState) {
if ('e' in aState) {
throw aState.e;
if ('p' in aState) {
throw aState.p;
return aState.v;
if (hasInitialValue(a)) {
return a.init;
throw new Error('no atom init');
and console.log(locTest(1))
generates an error "locTest is not a function".
EDIT: I found a way to store a function as a jotai state (see below) but not one I can --- or know how to --- update. If someone else has a better updatable solution, I'd still be very interested.
Not sure if you still need this, but Daishi actually suggests wrapping the function in an object.
const fnAtom = atom({ fn: () => "your function" })
You can then create a derived readable and/or writable atom based on the above primitive atom.
const doWhateverFnAtom = atom(
(get) => get(fnAtom),
(get, set, newFn) => {
set(fnAtom, { fn: newFn })
Source: https://github.com/pmndrs/jotai/discussions/1746#discussioncomment-4872129