I am using celery director to write celery task. And I need to pass parameter from one step to downstream step. So I write the following decorator to do that. But the decorator need to access a parameter named params defined in the task, so I used a global variable (global params). The question is: will the global variable result in case condition? Suppose the first execution set params to {"test":{"v1":1}}, and the second execution set params to {"test":{"v1":2}} because they pass different kwargs. If they are running at nearly t he same time, is it for both execution see the same params value since they are global?
def inject_params(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
inherit_params = {}
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, dict):
if "params" in arg:
inherit_params = arg["params"] |inherit_params
new_kwargs = inherit_params|kwargs
result = func(*args, **new_kwargs)
global params
return {"params": params|inherit_params, "result": result}
return result
inner.__name__ = func.__name__
return inner
def evaluate_delete_performance(*args, **kwargs):
global params
params = {"test":kwargs}
return "some value"
Global variable(
) will contain inconsistent data
Why? Let's imagine that we have X workers. Scheduler started first task on first worker. A worker doesn't stop processing at the moment of writing / reading global variables. You can easily check this with a regular counter(just an example):
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost')
def plus_one(name: str):
global COUNTER
print(f'name: {name}. counter: {COUNTER}')
from tasks import plus_one
for i in range(1000):
celery -A tasks worker
)python run_task.py
)You'll see a different counter value. Global variables do not solve race condition or concurrency problems. In general, I think that it is better to use them only for constants / static flags / etc.
By the way, similar question