I want to create a search term, depending on the input given. For example, when the user provides the phone number "69420" and name "Karen", the following code:
getbools = [f"{phone}" != "", f"{id}" != "", f"{name.replace(' ', ':')}" != "", f"{email}" != ""] # [1, 0, 1, 0]
searches = [f"{phone}", f"{id}", f"{name.replace(' ', ':')}", f"{email}"]
search = operator.and_.join(search for i in searches if getbools[i])
should yield a the following search term
search = "69420" and "Karen"
However, I get the following error:
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'join'
I want to use this search term afterwards in a for loop searching the search in the lines of a .txt file and further process them. Sadly, I could not come up with a solution yet and probably, I'm overcomplicating this and there's a simpler way. Hope you can help me find a better solution.
Thanks in advance!
# Open the txt files using the context manager `with` statement
with open("txtfile.txt") as f:
txtfile = f.readlines()
# Get the search terms
searches = [f"{phone}", f"{id}", f"{name.replace(' ', ':')}", f"{email}"]
# Removes falsy values (like you did with `!= ""`)
searches = [element for element in searches if element]
# Loop thru the lines and check if all search terms occur.
# If they do, print the line
for line in txtfile:
if all(search_term in line for search_term in searches):
As a side note, its better practise to call your id
variable id_
or something, so it doesn't overwrite the built-in id