i have a csv file, when i am trying to ingest data into kusto, datetime columns are being uploaded as blank. Does any one has idea why its happening
When I tried to ingest some csv file with datetime values in to ADX, I got null values for that column as same as yours.
This happened due to the date time format of your data. Go through the Documentation to know about the Date time formats that Kusto supported.
If your column format is not any of those, then at the time of schema it will show the data type of it as string by default. We can change the type to datetime manually and if we do that it will show null values.
For sample, I have taken a sample csv data with datetime formats of yyyy-mm-dd
and yyyy-dd-mm
At the time of schema, it gave the string data type by default, and I have changed it to datetime manually which resulted like below.
You can see it gave null values for yyyy-dd-mm
which is not listed in the above Documentation and given correct value for yyyy-mm-dd
So, check your datetime format whether it has the formats which are not listed in the Documentation and change those according to it to avoid null values.