The formula =IF(ISTEXT(AK4),"Data Gap",COUNTIFS(Date,">"&EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1),Examinee,$A4))
is counting entries from the last day of last month, but to my understanding, it should only be counting entries with dates larger than ">" the end of last month.
Any ideas why? It defies all logic according to my knowledge.
Thanks in advance =)
So, as @JohnSUN said, EOMONTH takes the numeric value for midnight on the specified day, for it to work, we should reference the day after the end of month with a "+1" argument and tell the function to account for anything equal or bigger to that point of reference.
=IF(ISTEXT(AK4),"Data Gap",COUNTIFS(Date,">="&(EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)+1),Examinee,$A4))
It is not the most intuitive formula and you have to keep that detail in mind.