Search code examples

Can a vertex coexist in both novisited stack and Visited Queue at the same instance in tracing path of Deapth First Search Traversal of a Graph

This is about an algorithm that is narrated in one of a prescribed text book for undergraduates who has taken datastructure as one of their subjects.

What i understood from the below algorithm is that

  • First you start from a node push it into notvisited stack

  • explore each successor node and push those node to a stack named as
    nonvisited if they are not visited

  • poping each node from unvisited stack

Then you recursively follow this procedure until you finish traversing the graph fully

My doubt is in this line

if(vertex is not present on Visited ) Then add vertex on Visited

My understanding is

  • vertex will be present in the Visited queue if it is already been poped out from nonvisited stack and pushed into visited queue
  • and vertex will not be present in the Visited queue if it has not been pushed into the nonVisited stack

Since we are taking nodes from nonvisited stack to be inserted to the queue why do we need this line

if(vertex is not present on Visited ) Then add vertex on Visited

Wont it it make additional duplication of instructions to the program

as a vertex cannot coexist simultaneosly at the same time in noth notvisited stack and Visited Queue

 Algorithm DFS(firstVertex)
    add firstVertex on notVisited;
    place NULL on Visited;
    while (notVisited is not empty)
        remove vertex from notVisited;
        generate successors of vertex;

        for each successor of vertex do
            if (successor is not present on Visited and successor is not present on notVisited)
            Then add vertex on front of notVisited;

        if (vertex is not present on Visited)
        Then add vertex on Visited;

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enter image description here

enter image description here


  • You are right that the condition of the following statement

      if (vertex is not present on Visited) Then add vertex on Visited;
 always going to be true. A vertex is not supposed to be in both notVisited and Visited at the same time, and since we had just removed vertex from notVisited it cannot be in Visited at that time.

    There is however a boundary case if the graph could have an edge from a node to itself (a loop). In that case vertex could be a successor of itself. In the first iteration of the loop, such vertex is neither in notVisited, nor in Visited, and is added to the notVisited queue again. Once the inner loop has finished, vertex will be added to Visited, so that now it is in both collections! This means an extra iteration of the outer loop will be executed for that same vertex (luckily not leading to an infinite loop), but then the quoted if condition will be false for that vertex.

    The correct way is to move vertex immediately from notVisited to Visited, before the inner loop starts.


    Algorithm DFS(firstVertex)
        add firstVertex on notVisited;
        place NULL on Visited;
        while (notVisited != NULL)
            remove vertex from notVisited;
            add vertex on Visited;   // <---
            generate successors of vertex;
            for each successor of vertex do
                if (successor is not present on Visited and successor is not present on notVisited)
                    Then add vertex on front of notVisited;

    Now we can be sure that during the execution of the algorithm, a (reachable) vertex will always go through the following phases, in this order:

    1. It is not in notVisited nor in Visited
    2. It is only in notVisited
    3. It is only in Visited

    You mention that notVisited is a queue, but for efficiency it would be better if it were a hash set, such that checking whether a vertex is in that collection has an amortised constant time complexity (not needing to iterate over the whole queue).

    For the same reasons, visited should not need to be a stack, but can be a hash set as well.