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Force browser to clean cache in react

Trying to use Cache Busting Technique to clear the cache for each release. Used new Date().getTime() or Hash() method to create a unique version value and append the version value after the file path.

This should apply the version number to the main.js file from the build directory, so I don't have to add the version number to all js and CSS files.


<link style="stylesheet" href={'main.css?v=${value}'}/>
<script src={'main.js?v=${value}'} />


  • In react, you can use third-party library such as react-cache-buster for Cache Busting. This library allows clients to automatically check the new version when a new version is released in the production environment, and if a new version is published, clearing the cache and reload the page.

    For example:

    import React from 'react';
    import CacheBuster from 'react-cache-buster';
    import { version } from '../package.json';
    import Loading from './loading';
    const App = () => {
      const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
      return (
          isEnabled={isProduction} //If false, the library is disabled.
          isVerboseMode={false} //If true, the library writes verbose logs to console.
          loadingComponent={<Loading />} //If not pass, nothing appears at the time of new version check.
          metaFileDirectory={'.'} //If public assets are hosted somewhere other than root on your server.
          // Your actual root component...
    export default App;

    To learn more, see