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Laravel Eloquent Query WhereHas

I have the following code for reference


public function latest_B()
return $this->hasOne(B::class)->latest();
 public function Bs()
return $this->hasMany(B::class);


return A::where(function ($q1) {

My problem is this query still returning model A with NOT latest model B .

I am expecting only to get 3 result, but it is returning 7.


  • on your model Function latest_b are you using that to get the latest item of B::class? If so then you can use Laravel's Has One Of Many Feature

    public function latest_b(): HasOne
        return $this->hasOne(B::class)->latestOfMany();

    I don't really know your the data structure you have and the output of the query but if I understand your issue properly... try using this...

    if you can provide an answer to my comments above I will be able to give you a much more clear answer.

    return A::query()->whereYear('created_at',$this->year)
        ->where(function ($query) {
            $query->where(function ($q1) {