I was wondering whether there’s a way to count the volume where the table name end with G in a loop and name it as the table name e.g output_dps_BCS_FT_G
I’m just wondering whether there is a efficient way of doing it rather than manually doing it one by one.
One approach is to use SAS dictionary tables, which store metadata about all datasets in defined libraries. You would likely want to add a WHERE clause to limit this to the libraries of interest to you. Code like:
proc sql ;
select libname,memname,nlobs from dictionary.tables
where memname like '%G'
quit ;
To output the results to a SAS dataset, you can add a CREATE TABLE clause, e.g.:
proc sql ;
create table G_Tables as
select libname, memname as Filename, nlobs as Count
from dictionary.tables
where memname like '%G'
quit ;
proc print data=G_Tables;