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The object copy received via structuredClone() is not equal to the original

I try creating a copy of an object with structuredClone() and then compare it to the original.

const util = require('util');

function A() {}
let obj = {
    key: new A()
let copy = structuredClone(obj);
console.log(util.isDeepStrictEqual(obj, copy));

I expect true, but received false.

Could you explain the reason?


  • The reason is structuredClone cannot clone classes or functions, so your A {} becomes {} in the cloned object.


    const util = require('util');
    function A(){ = 8}
    let obj = {
        key: new A()
    let copy = structuredClone(obj);
    console.log("Obj is:", obj)
    console.log("Copy is:", copy)

    That shows:

    Obj is: { key: A { property: 8 } }
    Copy is: { key: { property: 8 } }

    As you can see, the copy is no more an A instance... is a Plain Javascript Object