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Nodejs: Uploading a stream to form-data results in 411 'Length-required'

I'm trying to upload a file to the storyblock API. This uses S3 behind the scenes. Local file uploads work, but when trying to fetch a file from an external URL I get a 411 error.

This works:

    import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
    import FormData from 'form-data'
    const form = new FormData()
    form.append('file', createReadStream('./local-file.jpg))

But when trying an external URL for the same file it doesn't:

    import FormData from 'form-data'
    import got, { type Got } from 'got'
    const form = new FormData()
    form.append('file',, {decompress: false})


  statusCode: 411,
  statusMessage: 'Length Required',

Which indicates that somehow gives a different stream output than createReadStream()


  • Content-Length header is missing that is why it's giving you 411. The size of file being uploaded needs be determined and then include the Content-Length header in the request. Add this before submit.

    // Get the file size
    const { headers } = await got.head(externalUrl);
    const contentLength = headers['content-length'];
    // Append the file to the form with the correct content length
    form.append('file', stream, { knownLength: contentLength });