Search code examples

I cannot understand the reasoning for the math in this code?

This is the code provided by Seead for a simple analoge sound level sensor?

I understand the code but not the reasoning for sampling for 32 reads?

    const int pinAdc = A0;
    void setup()
    //Serial.println("Grove - Sound Sensor Test...");
    void loop()
    long sum = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<32; i++)
        sum += analogRead(pinAdc);

    sum >>= 5;



  • It's doing an average over 32 readings.

    Step 1, sum 32 readings.

    Step 2, bit shift right by 5.

    Shifting right is equivalent to dividing by 2. So 2^5 = 32. So it's equivalent of dividing by 32.