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DATEADD function equivalent in Azure Data Factory

I have a SQL DATEADD statement that I'm trying to replicate in Azure Data Factory (ADF), specifically within a data flow using a derived column. My SQL code looks like this:

DATEADD(SECOND,[TripHours] * 60.0 * 60.0,[TripTimeStamp])

I tried to convert this logic into ADF syntax in the following way:

add(TripTimeStamp, toInteger(multiply(TripHours, 60 * 60)))

The TripTimeStamp column is of type DateTime and TripHours is a float type. However, my ADF solution only seems to add a couple of minutes to the TripTimeStamp column, not the expected number of hours.

The column names are changed for privacy. But this is an example.

TripTimeStamp TripHours Expected Result Actual Result
2021-03-10 07:54:00.000 22,1 2021-03-11 06:00:00.000 2021-03-10 07:55:19.560

Any advice on what i might be doing wrong?


  • Wow, okay typical that i solved it just after posting.

    So in the original SQL code, i was adding seconds.

    DATEADD(SECOND,[TripHours] * 60.0 * 60.0,[TripTimeStamp])

    However, Azure Data Factory's 'add' function interprets time in milliseconds, not seconds. So, to get the same result in Azure Data Factory, I had to adjust the original query to convert the time to milliseconds:

    add(TripTimeStamp, toInteger(multiply(TripHours, 60 * 60 * 1000)))