I know that most use of Services in Angular is as singleton, to be able to share the same instance of the service with others modules.
However, I have a need in which I want each module that I provide the service in the section Providers be a new instance.
I explain: I have the services report-params-store-service that was created to save data params of reports. So I would like of injecting the report-params-store-service in, for example, INSS Reports, IRRF Reports, FGTS Reports, but that in each one of them was a isolated service, without singleton, because I am not wanna share datas params among the different reports that was injected by the same service report-params-store-service.
I am only wanna avoid repeating line code of the report-params-store-service having that to create one of him for each reports that I have.
Is it possible ? And how ?
I put the services in the providers in the each module that I needed but It behaved as a singleton service, sharing the data among the different modules.
In your service file change the following:
providedIn: 'root',
Then provide your service in every module like this:
declarations: [...],
imports: [...],
providers: [ReportParamsStoreService ],
export class FeatureModule {}