I'm using Instagram Mentions API and was able to obtain FB media_id for couple Instagram posts.
I need media_id to get post content via /user/mentioned_media. Unfortunately that endpoint does not provide ig_id or shortcode or permalink which I need.
Is there a way to get Instagram Post URL with FB Graph API media_id?
if you check the documentation for GET /{ig-user-id}?fields=mentioned_media
at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/reference/ig-user/mentioned_media , it says that fields
is for a IGMedia node, even though its not docummented properply in the above url, you can use the available fields of an IGMedia Node as described here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/reference/ig-media.
Hence you can get the permalink by asking for it in the fields param like this
and you get a graph api response
"mentioned_media": {
"id": "18024497428601371",
"caption": "example text",
"permalink": "https://www.instagram.com/p/SHORT_CODE/",
"media_url": "SOME_URL"
P.S It will also only work if the user has mentioned your ig account in the media caption