I found the formulas for finding the circle point on the sphere on the site http://www.boeing-727.com/Data/fly%20odds/distance.html, but I can’t figure out how to transfer the calculations to the ellipsoid (for example, wgs84 or ПЗ-90). How big is the error at latitudes up to 80 degrees, if you use a spherical model of the earth. And if the discrepancies are large (more than a meter), then how to find the intersection points, taking into account the parameters of the earth?
I tried to use the formulas for obtaining Cartesian coordinates, given in the PZ-90 reference book, but together with the formula on the site given, they give the wrong result.
Algorithm from http://www.boeing-727.com/Data/fly%20odds/distance.html
LatLonSpherical LatLon_intersection(LatLonSpherical p1, LatLonSpherical p2, LatLonSpherical p3, LatLonSpherical p4) {
//math from here: http://www.boeing-727.com/Data/fly%20odds/distance.html#arc2
coords P1(p1), P2(p2), P3(p3), P4(p4);//Преобразование в декартову систему координат
coords V1 = cross(P1, P2); //Vector multipication
coords V2 = cross(P3, P4);
//Calculate unit vector for V1 V2
double length = V1.length();
coords U1(V1.x / length, V1.y / length, V1.z / length);
length = V2.length();
coords U2(V2.x / length, V2.y / length, V2.z / length);
//vector director
//coords D = U1 * U2;
coords D = cross(V1, V2);
length = D.length();
//Vector S1 and its opposite S2 directly give the coordinates of the crossing point of the two non-overlapping great circles on the sphere.
coords S1(D.x / length, D.y / length, D.z / length);
coords S2(-D.x / length, -D.y / length, -D.z / length);
//Converting Cartesian system into geographical location
LatLonSpherical point1(D.x, D.y, D.z);
//Check location of crossing points with arcs of great circles
LatLonSpherical s1(S1.x, S1.y, S1.z), s2(S2.x, S2.y, S2.z);
if (abs(p1.distanceTo(p2) - p1.distanceTo(s1) - p2.distanceTo(s1)) < 1 &&
abs(p3.distanceTo(p4) - p3.distanceTo(s1) - p4.distanceTo(s1)) < 1) {
return s1; //s1 on arc
if (abs(p1.distanceTo(p2) - p1.distanceTo(s2) - p2.distanceTo(s2)) < 1 &&
abs(p3.distanceTo(p4) - p3.distanceTo(s2) - p4.distanceTo(s2)) < 1) {
return s2; //s2 on arc
s2.error = -1;//Возврат ошибки
return s2;
FAA document (https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/8260.54A.pdf) on page A2-32 is algorithm for computing intersection point of two geodesics