I'm supporting a solution using VS 2022 and Framework 4.5.2.
I'm trying to create a tuple with named values inside an inline function and pass it to another function.
I know how to declare the tuple inline without named parameters and assign values, and I know how to declare it inline with named values but not assign the values.
How do I do both?
The following is ok:
Dim q1 =
Function(x) New Tuple(Of String, String, String)(x.Name, x.URL, x.Name)
But this is not: (I get red squigglies under the values)
Dim q2 =
Function(x) New Tuple(Of (name As String, link As String, tooltip As String))(x.Name, x.URL, x.Name)
How do I do this?
This syntax will work in one line to produce the named tuple you want
Dim q2 = myEnumerable.Select(Function(x) (Name:=x.Name, URL:=x.URL, tooltip:=x.Name))
Or using inferred names for the first 2
Dim q2 = myEnumerable.Select(Function(x) (x.Name, x.URL, tooltip:=x.Name))