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INVALID_MULTI_PART_REQUEST response when adding a document using a CompositeTemplate

I am trying to add a PDF document to an existing draft envelope by using a CompositeTemplate so DocuSign can convert the PDF fields to tabs automatically for me. Unfortunately the request fails with a HTTP code 400 and the following response:

{"errorCode":"INVALID_MULTI_PART_REQUEST","message":"An error was found while parsing the multipart request. No documents found in request."}

This error makes no sense to me since I am specifying the document by using the documentBase64 property so it should not be using multipart.

I am calling PUT .../accounts/???/envelopes/???/documents with a body of:

  "compositeTemplates" : [ {
    "document" : {
      "documentBase64" : "...",
      "documentId" : "200",
      "name" : "document.pdf",
      "transformPdfFields" : "true"
    "inlineTemplates" : [ {
      "recipients" : {
        "signers" : [ {
          "defaultRecipient" : "true",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "name" : "John Doe",
          "recipientId" : "1"
        } ]
      "sequence" : "1"
    } ]
  } ]

Adding documents to the envelope works fine if I don't use a CompositeTemplate and just put the document directly in the documents attribute at the top level of the request JSON. Unfortunately, responses to other questions in stackoverflow seem to indicate that transformPdfFields only works when the document is inside a CompositeTemplate (and indeed it didn't convert PDF fields to tabs when I tried it that way).


  • There's no need to use a composite template for PDF Transform fields. If this was posted somewhere else in Stackoverflow - let me know and I'll correct it.

    You can just set "transformPdfFields" : "true" at any envelope and it should work just fine.