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Creating event in eventbridge when an RDS instance is started

I am trying to learn and play a bit with aws serevices. I want to create a rule in the eventbridge that would simply lanch a lambda function when an rds database instance is started.

Here is the rule I use:

  "version": "0",
  "detail-type": "RDS DB Instance Event",
  "source": "aws.rds",
  "region": "eu-south-2",
  "resources": ["XXX"],
  "detail": {
    "EventCategories": ["notification"],
    "SourceType": "DB_INSTANCE",
    "SourceArn": "XXX",
    "Message": "DB instance started.",
    "EventID": "RDS-EVENT-0088"

I get an error "Event pattern is not valid. Reason: "version" must be an object or an array at... " I guess it is a formating error, but literally can't figure it out... I'm just passing a string. When I try to test the pattern from the official documentation I get the same error.

It is probably something very stupid, but I would greatly appreciate your help.


  • Your rule is wrong.

    This is the not the rule but an example of event which will be matched by rule.

    You can actually create a rule by doing the following:-

    • go to eventbridge , create rule

    • select event source as aws

    • choose sample events type as enter my own and enter the below mentioned event ( this is the event which is generated when instance is started as per title of questions). to check other event id, follow docs

    • 0088 event id is the event when rds instance is started

          "version": "0",
          "id": "68f6e973-1a0c-d37b-f2f2-94a7f62ffd4e",
          "detail-type": "RDS DB Instance Event",
          "source": "aws.rds",
          "account": "123456789012",
          "time": "2018-09-27T22:36:43Z",
          "region": "us-east-1",
          "resources": ["arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mysql-instance-2018-10-06-12-24"],
          "detail": {
            "EventCategories": ["failover"],
            "SourceType": "DB_INSTANCE",
            "SourceArn": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mysql-instance-2018-10-06-12-24e",
            "Date": "2018-09-27T22:36:43.292Z",
            "SourceIdentifier": "rds:mysql-instance-2018-10-06-12-24",
            "Message": "A Multi-AZ failover has completed.", // Message would be something else
            "EventID": "RDS-EVENT-0088"
    • create a custom pattern and use the following json.

         "source": ["aws.rds"],
         "detail-type": ["RDS DB Instance Event"],
          "detail": {
                       "EventID": ["RDS-EVENT-0088"]

    If you test this rule, for the event above mentioned it will match.

    how to find sample event [ as per comments ]

    enter image description here