I have a follow table:
CREATE TABLE raw_data (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
datetime varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
param_id int4 NOT NULL,
raw_data varchar NOT NULL)
I'm trying to insert the data with braces with asyncpg:
app['bd_conn'] = await asyncpg.create_pool(host=os.environ.get('DB_HOST'),
db_engine = app['bd_conn']
raw_data = "{H}"
param = "1000"
async with db_engine.acquire() as conn:
stmt = f"""
insert into raw_data (param, raw_data)
values ({param}, {raw_data})
await conn.fetch(stmt)
and because of the braces in raw_data, I get an error
syntax error at or near "{"
how can I fix this error? It is necessary to pass braces
your query is vulnerable to SQL injections -> security issue. it's not good to hardcode parameters. instead, do this:
param = 1000 # an integer
raw_data = "{H}" # a string
stmt = """
insert into raw_data (param_id, raw_data)
values ($1, $2)
await conn.execute(stmt, param, raw_data)