On our Artifactory Server we have a repository of the type Generic. And it is configured to allow anonymous access.
For the rest api we now observed this behaviour:
This call is working: https://artifactory/artifactory/api/storage/compiler-generic-release/aspl/winlibs
But for this call it requires Authentication: https://artifactory/artifactory/api/storage/compiler-generic-release/aspl/winlibs?list&deep=1
Response is: status 403 message "This resource is available to authenticated users only."
Is there a way to also allow anonymous access for the second call?
Thanks for any feedback Christoph
As desribed in JFrog Wiki https://jfrog.com/help/r/jfrog-rest-apis/file-list, this API execution requires privileged access and the access is not extended to the anonymous users.
Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro
Security: Requires a non-anonymous privileged user.
GET /api/storage/{repoKey}/{folder-path}?list[&deep=0/1][&depth=n][&listFolders=0/1][&mdTimestamps=0/1][&includeRootPath=0/1]
Produces: application/json (application.vnd.org.jfrog.artifactory.storage.FileList+json)