given 2 list: solved and country. Need to conjugate each element of country at the end of each of solved ones... and obtain a kinda of matrix frac
I need please suggestion on how speed up the 3 level of loop :
for i in range(0,len(solved),lung):
h = solved[i:i+lung]
for j in range(len(country)):
g = [h[k]+country[j] for k in range(len(h))]
I solved the issue with very easy code as follows:
import numpy as np
solved_array = np.array(solved)
country_array = np.array(country)
# Reshape the arrays for broadcasting
solved_reshaped = solved_array[:, np.newaxis]
country_reshaped = country_array[np.newaxis, :]
frac = np.char.add(solved_reshaped,country_reshaped).tolist()
this code result over 100+ time faster than previous proposed Enjoy !!