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How-to do reverse DNS lookup in a virtualbox host-only network

I have a 4 node postgres cluster running with pgpool and repmgr in a virtualbox host-only network.

The Repmgr command 'repmgr cluster show' is showing the upsteam node as not connected for all replicas. I think this is because the postgres pg_stat_replication view is not showing client_hostname.

Postgres's documentation says for client_hostname:

"Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr. This field will only be non-null for IP connections, and only when log_hostname is enabled."

How do I set up reverse DNS lookup in a virtualbox host-only network?


  • No such functionality exists in Virtualbox.

    I ended up building a seperate VM with Bind9 installed.

    I used the following tutorial; How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server on Ubuntu 20.04