I am trying to run VIKOR
from MCDM
R package using the following code
d <- matrix(c(1,2,5,3000,3750,4500),nrow = 3,ncol = 2)
w <- c(0.5,0.5)
cb <- c('min','max')
v <- 0.5
But it returns me following error
Error in (Q == "NaN") || (Q == "Inf") : 'length = 3' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
How can I solve this error?
The source code for VIKOR is available here.
I have solved this problem by modifying the source code like
VIKOR <- function(decision, #matrix with all the alternatives
weights, #vector with the numeric values of the weights
cb, #vector with the "type" of the criteria (benefit = "max", cost = "min")
v #value with the real number of the 'v' parameter to calculate Q
#Checking parameters
if(! is.matrix(decision))
stop("'decision' must be a matrix with the values of the alternatives")
stop("a vector containing n weigths, adding up to 1, should be provided")
if(sum(weights) != 1)
stop("The sum of 'weights' is not equal to 1")
if(! is.character(cb))
stop("'cb' must be a character vector with the type of the criteria")
if(! all(cb == "max" | cb == "min"))
stop("'cb' should contain only 'max' or 'min'")
if(length(weights) != ncol(decision))
stop("length of 'weights' does not match the number of the criteria")
if(length(cb) != ncol(decision))
stop("length of 'cb' does not match the number of the criteria")
stop("a value for 'v' in [0,1] should be provided")
#1. Ideal solutions
posI <- as.integer(cb == "max") * apply(decision, 2, max) +
as.integer(cb == "min") * apply(decision, 2, min)
negI <- as.integer(cb == "min") * apply(decision, 2, max) +
as.integer(cb == "max") * apply(decision, 2, min)
#2. S and R index
norm =function(x,w,p,n){
SAux <- apply(decision, 1, norm, weights, posI, negI)
S <- apply(SAux, 2, sum)
R <- apply(SAux, 2, max)
#3. Q index
#If v=0
if (v==0)
Q <- (R-min(R))/(max(R)-min(R))
#If v=1
else if (v==1)
Q <- (S-min(S))/(max(S)-min(S))
#Another case
Q <- v*(S-min(S))/(max(S)-min(S))+(1-v)*(R-min(R))/(max(R)-min(R))
#4. Checking if Q is valid
#Here is the change by taking help from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76667355/how-to-ignore-ranking-if-the-data-conatins-nan-or-inf-in-r
RankingQ = ifelse(is.infinite(Q) | is.na(Q), NA,
rank(Q, ties.method = "first"))
#5. Ranking the alternatives
return(data.frame(Alternatives = 1:nrow(decision), S = S, R = R, Q = Q,
Ranking = RankingQ))
Now it is working fine like
d <- matrix(c(1,2,5,3000,3750,4500),nrow = 3,ncol = 2)
w <- c(0.5,0.5)
cb <- c('min','max')
v <- 0.5
#> Alternatives S R Q Ranking
#> 1 1 0.500 0.50 1 2
#> 2 2 0.375 0.25 0 1
#> 3 3 0.500 0.50 1 3