I have a class:
class CameraFragment : Fragment() {
interface CameraResultReturner {
fun returnCameraBarcode(result: String)
fun returnCameraBitmap(result: Boolean)
fun returnCameraBitmapAndBarcode(result: String, bitmap: Bitmap?)
There is a class that receives a response from CameraFragment
class TaskLinkFragment : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_task_link),
BarcodeListFragment.BarcodeListListener {
Accordingly , three methods appear in TaskLinkFragment
override fun returnCameraBarcode(result: String) {
//does nothing
override fun returnCameraBitmap(result: Boolean) {
//does nothing
override fun returnCameraBitmapAndBarcode(result: String, bitmap: Bitmap?) {
//does something
Is it possible to get rid of unused methods in this class, given that they are used in other classes?
Nothing comes to mind.
Instead of adding open modifier, I'd recommend you to add default implementation for these functions
interface CameraResultReturner {
// Empty implementation
fun returnCameraBarcode(result: String) = Unit
// Empty implementation
fun returnCameraBitmap(result: Boolean) = Unit
// Empty implementation
fun returnCameraBitmapAndBarcode(result: String, bitmap: Bitmap?) = Unit
class MyCameraResultFragment : CameraResultReturner {
// No need to override the methods, as they already have empty implementations