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r use of rms ols function with multiple objects and confidence intervals

This example below uses the lm function and tidy(..., easily generates summary estimates and C.I for multiple model objects.


mtcars %>%
  gather(predictor, measure, -mpg) %>%
  group_by(predictor) %>%
  do(tidy(lm(mpg ~ measure, .),

How do I generate similar output using rms::ols function ? tidy does not work on ols so is there a way to tweak the output from ols function to include C.I from multiple model objects ? Thanks in advance.


  • Here is a bare-bones/stripped-down version of tidy.ols. It has many limitations (see below), but should do what you want ...

    tidy.ols <- function(x, ...) {
       se <- sqrt(diag(x$var)) 
       rdf <- x$stats["n"] - x$stats["d.f."] - 1
       cc <- coef(x)
       ci <- confint(x)
       tibble(term = names(cc),
              estimate = cc,
              std.error = se,
              statistic = cc/se,
              df = rdf,
              p.value = 2*pt(-abs(statistic), df = rdf),
              conf.low = ci[,1],
              conf.high = ci[,2])
    mtcars %>%
      gather(predictor, measure, -mpg) %>%
      group_by(predictor) %>%
      do(tidy(ols(mpg ~ measure, .)))


    • ignores additional args without checking
    • haven't checked p-value calcs etc.
    • doesn't allow choice of confint or not, or setting conf level
    • doesn't consider other possible bells and whistles of ols ...

    It seems like support for rms objects has been discussed a lot on the tidymodels/broom GitHub site but everything there is stale ... I opened an issue if anyone wants to chime in.