Is possible to get current state in the unit test code base
Test Code
group('registerWithFacebookEvent', () {
const response =
RegisterUser(name: "Dolapo Olakanmi", message: "Successful");
'should validate emit sequence when registerWithFacebook usecase is successful',
() async {
when(registerUserWithFacebook(const NoParam()))
.thenAnswer((_) async => const Right(response));
const expected = [Success(response: response)];
expectLater(, emitsInOrder(expected));
expect(bloc.state, expected.first);
Prod Code
if (event is RegisterUserWithFacebookEvent) {
final failureOrSuccess = await registerUserWithFacebook(const NoParam());
(l) => throw UnimplementedError(), (r) => Success(response: r)));
The test fails because the line expect(bloc.state, expected.first)
fails and the reason is the bloc.state return the initial state which is in my case:
Expected: Success:<Success()>
Actual: RegisterUserInitial:<RegisterUserInitial()>
On a quick first look it looks like you are missing an await
before your expectLater
inside of theasync
callback function.
Also put the expectLater
below your bloc.add
and also include the previous states (like init, registration, loading, etc) in the expected state list, because it is the list of all states that are emitted from the bloc.
So any emitted states from the bloc should be included inside of the expected
list (just not the initialState
param of the bloc constructor).
So similar to the following:
group('registerWithFacebookEvent', () {
const response =
RegisterUser(name: "Dolapo Olakanmi", message: "Successful");
'should validate emit sequence when registerWithFacebook usecase is successful',
() async {
when(registerUserWithFacebook(const NoParam()))
.thenAnswer((_) async => const Right(response));
const expected = [..., RegisterUserInitial(), ..., Success(response: response)];
final Future<void> matcher = expectLater(, emitsInOrder(expected));
await matcher;
expect(bloc.state, expected.last);