I'm new in NN field and trying to use autoencoder for image compression using keras library. most of the time I get some zero values in reconstructed vector that cause some black dot in reconstructed images, the zero values increase by decreasing the bottleneck layer neuron numbers. Is this normal ? here is my code :
x = np.load('GrayRef.npy')
x = np.float32(x)
x_train, x_test = train_test_split(x , random_state=104, test_size=0.25, shuffle=True)
x_train = x_train/255
x_test = x_test/255
EncoderInput = layers.Input(shape=(16, 16))
Flatting = layers.Flatten()(EncoderInput)
Encoder_dense_layer1 = layers.Dense(128, 'sigmoid')(Flatting)
Encoder_dense_layer2 = layers.Dense(64, 'relu')(Encoder_dense_layer1)
Encoder_dense_layer3 = layers.Dense(32, 'relu')(Encoder_dense_layer2)
Encoder = Model(EncoderInput, Encoder_dense_layer3)
Decoder_Input = layers.Input(shape=(32))
Decoder_dense_layer1 = layers.Dense(64, 'relu')(Decoder_Input)
Decoder_dense_layer2 = layers.Dense(128, 'relu')(Decoder_dense_layer1)
Decoder_dense_layer3 = layers.Dense(256, 'relu')(Decoder_dense_layer2)
Shaping = layers.Reshape((16, 16))(Decoder_dense_layer3)
Decoder = Model(Decoder_Input ,Shaping)
AE_Input = layers.Input(shape=(16, 16))
AE_encoder_output = Encoder(AE_Input)
AE_decoder_output = Decoder(AE_encoder_output)
AE = Model(AE_Input, AE_decoder_output)
AE.compile(loss = 'mse', optimizer = optimizers.Adam())
AE.fit(x_train, x_train, epochs=160, batch_size=60, shuffle=True, validation_data=(x_test, x_test))
jj = AE.predict(test)
jj = jj*255
the other problem I have is I get different MSE values different time I train the model with same data. for example one time I get 0.0019 and another time I GET 0.04, Is this only because random initial values or there is something I'm missing.
There are some things that come to my mind:
function for encoding? Your Input data is scaled to be between 0 and 1 and I am not sure why it is useful to force the output of the first layer to be between 0 and 1 (which is the purpose of sigmoid activation functions) -> try reLUfloat
and you usually want images as np.uint8
). This values should be between 0 and 255. HERE it makes sense to use a simgoid
function (last layer!) and now, multiplying with 255
(as you do) will lead to floats
in the desired range. NOW you can safely cast to integers without getting under or overflows (which might create your "holes")# first lines in your code!!!
from numpy.random import seed
from tensorflow import set_random_seed