I'm trying to make the following code work but I'm getting a syntax error after the displayPosts(posts);
call: Unexpected token, expected "{"
{hasPostsResolved && posts?.length > 0 &&
<input type="button" className="wp-element-button" value="Load More" />
For completeness:
const { posts, hasPostsResolved } = useSelect(select => {
const query = {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'date',
status: 'publish',
categories: category ? category : [],
per_page: number
return {
posts: select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'post', query),
hasPostsResolved: select('core').hasFinishedResolution('getEntityRecords', ['postType', 'post', query]),
}, [category, number]);
const displayPosts = (posts) => {
return (
posts.map((post, index) => {
return (
<article id={`post-${post.id}`} key={index}>
post.title.rendered ?
decodeEntities(post.title.rendered) :
__('(no title)')
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content.rendered }} />
Can someone tell what's wrong with my code? I can't make it work for the life of me.
Maybe you meant the following? I’m assuming that displayPosts
is a function that returns JSX.
{hasPostsResolved && posts?.length > 0 &&
<input type="button" class="wp-element-button" value="Load More" />