I am trying to update git submodules from .gitlab-ci.yml. As mentioned on Gitlab documentation, If the submodules are on the same git server, I should use relative path; Using absolute path (HTTPS) doesn't work.
Submodule1 is in project1 which doesn't require access token; whereas submodule2 is in project2 (my project where CI yml file exists), which requires use of access token. Therefore, below code works for submodule1 update but fails for submodule2.
[submodule "Project2/submodule1"]
path = Project2/submodule1
url = ../../Project1/sample/submodule1.git
[submodule "Project2/submodule2"]
path = Project2/submodule2
url = ../Project2/submodule2.git
Error: Cloning into '/Project2/submodule2'... remote: The project you were looking for could not be found or you don't have permission to view it. fatal: repository 'https://git.com/Project2/submodule2.git/' not found fatal: clone of 'https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]@git.com/Project2/submodule2.git' into submodule path '/Project2/submodule2' failed Failed to clone 'Project2/submodule2'. Retry scheduled
Tried below options:
url = https://gitlab-ci-token:${GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN}@git.com/Project2/submodule2.git
as url in .gitmodules, it gives could not read Username for 'https://git.com': No such device or address
error. I can clone to above url though, so its a valid url.
- git config --global url."https://gitlab-ci-token:${GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN}@git.com".insteadOf "https://git.com"
- git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
Nothing works. Any idea how to update submodule in CI with personal access token?
git submodule update --remote --init