I'm having trouble finding the setting for how fast a d3-force graph renders. What I am asking about is not the number of iterations or alpha parameters, but the speed of the render cycle itself. What I am trying to accomplish is a instantaneous or instantaneous rendering of nodes on the componentDidUpdate hook.
My hook code (I believe this is answerable self-contained, but will add more ctx if not):
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Readonly<IProps>, prevState: Readonly<IState>, snapshot?: any): void {
const links : Array<Link> = [];
this.props.nodes.forEach((n : any) => {
if (!n.dependsOn) {
n.dependsOn.forEach((index : any) => {
links.push({ source: index, target: n.id });
this.simulation = forceSimulation(this.props.nodes)
.id((d : any) => d.id)
.force("x", forceX(150).strength(0.5))
.force("charge", forceManyBody().strength(0.01))
.y(node => {
return this._calcPath(node) * 150 - 50;
.strength((node : any) => {
let dependedOn = this._nodeDependedOn(node);
if (!dependedOn || node.dependsOn.length < 1) {
return 3;
return 0;
.force("collide", forceCollide(this.props.radius));
this.simulation.on("tick", () =>
links: links,
nodes: this.state.nodes
I don't think there's any pause between applications of tick
while the simulation is running so I don't think you can speed it up in the way that you suggest. What you can control is the number of steps per render using simulation.tick
. If you take 300 steps right away, you should effectively generate the final layout right away.
The implementation in this Observable notebook yields the following result:
<div id="observablehq-viewof-steps_per_tick-39ec7ec3"></div>
<div id="observablehq-animation-39ec7ec3"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@observablehq/inspector@5/dist/inspector.css">
<script type="module">
import {Runtime, Inspector} from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@observablehq/runtime@5/dist/runtime.js";
import define from "https://api.observablehq.com/d/[email protected]?v=3";
new Runtime().module(define, name => {
if (name === "viewof steps_per_tick") return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#observablehq-viewof-steps_per_tick-39ec7ec3"));
if (name === "animation") return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#observablehq-animation-39ec7ec3"));