I am using AWS and we have a EC2 set up, which we can use AWS Session Manager with. I am able to gain access to this system, but from here I want to access other private EC2 instances.
Host A (Logged in via SSM) ----> Host B
(In these instances, many others like Host B don't have SSM set up right now.)
From here I try, to
ssh ec2-user@HostB
but this fails cause, it requires a PEM file.
I have access to this file on my local machine, but can't figure out how to send that file to Host A so I can use it to SSH into Host B
Simply copy the contents of the PEM file to your clipboard. Then, use SSM to connect to the other instance and save it to a file.
You can run an editor (eg vi
), or just use cat >key.pem
then paste your clipboard and type Ctrl-D
You'll also need to chmod 600 key.pem
To connect, use:
ssh -i key.pem ec2-user@HostB
Another method is to copy the file to S3 and then download it from S3.