I have an algorithm problem created by myself, and I am seeking some guidance here. The goal is to get at least X gold. There are different dealers selling different amounts of golds at different prices. I need to find an optimal combination that minimizes the cost while buying at least X gold.
This resembles an unbounded knapsack problem, but in this problem there are no limit to the amount of gold to buy. Solving this using knapsack will give me solutions that are below the required amount of the goal, which are obviously wrong answers. Obviously I could brute-force it by gradually increasing the limit of the knapsack, but that would not be optimal in terms of performance.
As mentioned, I am seeking for some guidance here, on some less known algorithms that would solve this problem. I am not asking for code.
In an example, these are the prices available.
Item ID | Gold | Price |
1 | 120 | 0.99 |
2 | 600 | 4.99 |
3 | 1,960 | 14.99 |
4 | 3,960 | 29.99 |
5 | 4,970 | 38.89 |
6 | 6,560 | 49.99 |
7 | 12,960 | 99.99 |
8 | 14,000 | 104.99 |
For this example, my task is to buy at least 12,880 gold. I need to find the combination and how many of each item I need to buy to satisfy the goal, which is get at least 12,880 gold while minimizing the cost.
My attempt to solve is the process of finding the algorithm to solve it. Here is a sheet with the different combinations I have tested, but I still cannot find a viable algorithm to find the optimal combination.
In the image, you can see that buying 2 item_4 and 1 item_5 is currently my best solution. But it is not for certain the optimal solution.
Add some more details/rules above
I am just asking for some guidance here and not any code from you guys. I have solved similar problems with unbounded knapsack, but the solution cannot be applied here at all. This is because I need at least the amount, and not less than or equal to the amount. These are two different problems and I don't see any reason to post an unrelated code regarding the knapsack that does not even works as an attempt to solve the problem.
I realized that I need to scope this question a bit, to make it reasonable. So here are the constraints.
n: Amount of gold in the goal
k: Number of dealers/items
m: Maximum amount of gold that will be sold as a single purchase
n <= 1000000
k <= 1000
m <= 10000000
I am again not looking for any code from you, just some advice for possible solutions, and I will write my own code.
To solve the problem, we need to extend the generic unbounded knapsack algorithm for minimizing cost with additional steps. Here I present a generic solution for all unbounded knapsack problems with at least W weight while minimizing total cost.
represents the required weight.N
be the number of items.W
. Additionally, maintain an array to store the combination of items for later retrieval.min_cost
as infinity.W - item_weight
. For each iteration, search the dp table to find the first maximized weight that is equal to or greater than the calculated value. Use binary search for this.found_weight
and item_weight
represents a total weight of at least W
array to calculate the total cost.min_cost
, update both min_cost
with the new value.found_weight
and item weights to find the combination of needed to achieve the min_cost
.Time: O(N * (W + log(W)))
First Knapsack with O(N * W)
, then binary search within a loop O(N log(W))
Space: O(W)
We are using 1D lists for the "dp table".
# Items with weights and costs
items = [
(120, 99),
(600, 499),
(1960, 1499),
(3960, 2999),
(4960, 3889),
(6560, 4999),
(12960, 9999),
(14000, 10499),
def find_index_of_first_occurrence_or_higher(lst, value):
''' Binary search on a sorted list and returns the index of the first occurrence of a value or the next higher value if the value is not found.'''
lo, hi = 0, len(lst) - 1
while lo <= hi:
mid = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
if lst[mid] < value:
lo = mid + 1
hi = mid - 1
return hi + 1
def unbounded_knapsack_minimize_cost_required_capacity(items, capacity):
dp_costs = [float('inf')] * (capacity + 1) # Accumulated costs
dp_wts = [0] * (capacity + 1) # Accumulated weights
dp_items = [0] * (capacity + 1) # Item IDs in sequence
dp_costs[0] = 0
# Iterate over each capacity from 1 to the maximum capacity
for i in range(1, capacity + 1):
for j, (wt, cost) in enumerate(items):
# Check if the weight of the current item is less than or equal to the current capacity
if wt <= i:
dp_wt = dp_wts[i - wt] + wt
# If adding the item gives more weight than previously
if dp_wt >= dp_wts[i]:
dp_cost = dp_costs[i - wt] + cost
# If the accumulated cost is less than previously
if dp_cost < dp_costs[i]:
dp_costs[i] = dp_cost
dp_wts[i] = dp_wt
dp_items[i] = j
if dp_wts[i] == 0:
# Use previous best as current best
dp_costs[i] = dp_costs[i-1]
dp_wts[i] = dp_wts[i-1]
dp_items[i] = dp_items[i-1]
# There could be items that gives more weight but less total cost. To handle these cases, loop through all the items once
# Make use of the already created dp (i.e dp_costs) table, remove equivalent amount or less from the accumulated weight. Then apply the item weight and check if the cost is less.
min_cost = float('inf')
for i, (wt, cost) in enumerate(items):
weight_to_find = max(capacity - wt, 0)
found_weight = find_index_of_first_occurrence_or_higher(dp_wts, weight_to_find)
dp_cost = dp_costs[found_weight] + cost
if dp_cost < min_cost:
min_cost = dp_cost
min_cost_last_item = i
total_weight = found_weight
# Find the total combination that gives the min_cost
min_combination = [min_cost_last_item]
while total_weight > 0:
item = dp_items[total_weight]
# Find previous item by subtracting weights
item_weight = items[item][0]
total_weight -= item_weight
return min_cost, min_combination
capacity = int(input("Input capacity of the knapsack: "))
min_cost, min_combination = unbounded_knapsack_minimize_cost_required_capacity(items, capacity)
print("Minimum cost:", min_cost/100)
print("Minimum combination:", min_combination)
print("Final weight:", sum(map(lambda x: items[x][0], min_combination)))