I have an array of N per 6 entries
const int16_t xzyabc[][6] PROGMEM = {
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12},
Each value in the array is an int16_t number.
For each four int16_t, I want to pack it onto a uint64_t.
I tried the code below.
void Telemetry::loop()
const size_t numArrays = sizeof(xzyabc) / sizeof(xzyabc[0]);
const size_t elementsPerArray = sizeof(xzyabc[0]) / sizeof(xzyabc[0][0]);
const size_t elementsPerUint64 = 4;
const size_t numUint64 = (numArrays * elementsPerArray + elementsPerUint64 - 1) / elementsPerUint64;
uint64_t convertedArray[numUint64];
for (size_t i = 0; i < numUint64; i++)
uint64_t value = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < elementsPerUint64; j++)
size_t index = i * elementsPerUint64 + j;
if (index < numArrays * elementsPerArray)
int16_t element = xzyabc[index / elementsPerArray][index % elementsPerArray];
value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(element) << (16 * j);
uint32_t parteSuperior = (uint32_t)(value >> 32);
uint32_t parteInferior = (uint32_t)(value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Serial.print("Number: ");
convertedArray[i] = value;
callback(convertedArray, numUint64);
The idea of the code above is to iterate over the array and for each quadrupled, put it on a unsigned integer.
Results in:
Number: 262147131073
Number: 524295393221
Number: 786443655369
And they look wrong to me, I tried to unpack it on NodeJS and it failed.
How can I fix this? Or what I'm doing wrong?
As sugestion of @Peter, I ended using memcpy
uint64_t buffer[10]{0};
memcpy(buffer, xzyabc, sizeof(xzyabc));