I am creating a Power Query connection via Odata.Feed and i need to insert a parameter (DateTimeZone.LocalNow).
OData.Feed("https://test.test?$filter=Test eq '1969' and WhseTaskConfWhseTmznDate ge datetime'2023-06-28T10:20:00'&$select=Activity", null, [Implementation="2.0"])
I would like to include a parameter so that i just get the today's Data and not all.
Any Idea how to set the Parameter and include it to the source code?
How about
x = OData.Feed("https://test.test?$filter=Test eq '1969' and WhseTaskConfWhseTmznDate ge datetime'
"&DateTime.ToText(DateTime.LocalNow(), [Format="yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", Culture="en-US"])&"
'&$select=Activity", null, [Implementation="2.0"])
to pick up a date that is not today, for example one day back
or use a variable
where you define that name in an earlier step as
VariableDays= Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="rangenamehere"]}[Content]{0}[Column1],
and have set up a defined range name caleld rangenamehere in the excel file that contains a number you will pull in