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Resize HTML map images

In a small website where the pages are only composed by a single image with multiple links using html map, I want to resize the images (smaller images) but it is extremely painful to resize all the images and change all the link coordinates.

<div style="text-align:center; width:586px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
<img id="Image-Maps_5201110040649307" src="" usemap="#Image-Maps_5201110040649307" border="0" width="586" height="1162" alt="" />
<map id="_Image-Maps_5201110040649307" name="Image-Maps_5201110040649307">
<area shape="rect" coords="59,550,297,614" href="" alt="" title=""    />

What is the better solution to solve the problem?



  • You may zoom/scale the div,

    example(half size):

    style="zoom:.5;-o-transform: scale(.5);-moz-transform: scale(.5)"