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vcpkg install vs docker caching

I am trying to understand how vcpkg can integrate with docker caching mechanism.

Here is my first naive attempt:

% cat Dockerfile
RUN vcpkg.exe install libpng # neat caching to prevent (re)compilation
WORKDIR c:/app
COPY . . # anything after this line will be (re)compiled
RUN cmake -S . -B build

My app contains a vcpkg.json file:

  "name": "my-proj",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": [
      "name": "libpng"

The line vcpkg.exe install libpng is a nice trick since upon the next run, docker will directly re-use the cache and will not redo the complete libpng rebuild.

Now my question is what if I need to vcpkg install a private dependency ? For example a public or private project that is not listed on the main vcpkg registry ?

Per documentation I cannot specify an alternate registry (vcpkg-configuration.json):

Is there another simple solution to build a dependency and cache it so that it is not re-build on the cmake -S . -B build line ?


  • Now my question is what if I need to vcpkg install a private dependency ?

    The command line option you are looking for in classic mode is --overlay-ports=<path-to-directory-with-more-ports>.

    Typical steps would be:

    WORKDIR c:/deps
    RUN git clone
    RUN git clone
    RUN .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat # -disable-metrics
    # VCPKG_DEFAULT_BINARY_CACHE or CLI option --binarysource=<config> can be used to configure binary caching. (where vcpkg stores and retrieves already build packages)
    # Binary caching is enabled by default into `%SOMEDEFAULT%/vcpkg` so you probably want to control that to keep the docker size minimal
    # X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES or --x-asset-sources=<config> in addition to VCPKG_DOWNLOADS or --downloads-root=<path> can be used to control where vcpkg obtains already cached sources/tools from
    RUN .\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe install libpng private_port --overlay-ports=./my-vcpkg-registry
    # at this point libpng/private_port is properly installed in docker 
    # you probably want to remove packages/, buildtrees/ and downloads/ from the vcpkg root here to keep the docker container minimal
    ---- # Split here. You would provide the above as its own docker image and import it for the below or you have an external binary cache setup which vcpkg can pull/push to. 
    WORKDIR c:/app
    # anything after this line will be (re)compiled
    COPY . . 
    RUN cmake -S . -B build

    Is there another simple solution to build a dependency and cache it so that it is not re-build on the cmake -S . -B build line ?

    Binary Caching:
    If it is in the cache it will reinstall (if necessary) but not rebuild.
    Having an ABI match however can be hard if you don't completely control all tools going into the hash calculation.