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Conditionals with possible None values in List comprehension

I have a xml file that lists speakers:


Some of the speaker attributes are always given (firstname, lastname) while others are optional (title, info). I want to extract the names with the additional info in a straightforward way.

Just the name is easy, using beatifulsoup:

[speaker.find("firstname").text + " " +  speaker.find("lastname").text for speaker in speakerlist.find_all("speaker")]

But how can I prepend the title if existing? I tried

    speaker.find("title").text + " " + speaker.find("firstname").text + " " + speaker.find("lastname").text 
    if speaker.find("title").text is not None 
    else speaker.find("firstname").text + " " +  speaker.find("lastname").text
    for speaker in speakerlist.find_all("speaker")

but this throws

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'

when the title attribute does not exist. I understand why this happens, but I don't see a workaround.

Is there a nice and cohesive way for a one-liner to extract the information I want?


  • I see no good reason to try and squeeze this into an "one-liner" list comprehension.

    def format_speaker_record(speaker):
        title_tag = speaker.find("title")
        title = (title.text if title_tag else None)
        firstname = speaker.find("firstname").text
        lastname = speaker.find("lastname").text
        if title:
            return f"{title} {firstname} {lastname}"
        return f"{firstname} {lastname}"
    speakers = [format_speaker_record(speaker) for speaker in speakerlist.find_all("speaker")]