I have a Laravel + Livewire app, that I'm trying to build for production.
I can successfully run ./vendor/bin/sail npm run build
./vendor/bin/sail npm run build
> build
> vite build
vite v3.2.7 building for production...
transforming (19) node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js
🌼 daisyUI components 2.52.0 https://daisyui.com
✔︎ Including: base, components, 2 themes, utilities
❤︎ Support daisyUI: https://opencollective.com/daisyui
✓ 60 modules transformed.
public/build/manifest.json 0.25 KiB
public/build/assets/app.bf5ec64f.css 80.27 KiB / gzip: 12.73 KiB
public/build/assets/app.8c40d1a4.js 143.69 KiB / gzip: 51.52 KiB
The assets are loaded in a blade layout using the @vite directive:
{{-- Scripts --}}
@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
However when I view the page source, I can see it still references port 5173 (which would be the vite dev server):
<script type="module" src="http://localhost:5173/@vite/client"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:5173/resources/css/app.css" /><script type="module" src="http://localhost:5173/resources/js/app.js"></script>
I was expecting to see a reference to public/build/assets/...
My vite.config.js is fairly simple:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
server: {
hmr: {
host: 'localhost',
The documents (https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/vite#loading-your-scripts-and-styles) says that:
"In build mode, the directive will load your compiled and versioned assets, including any imported CSS."
...but it does not appear to be doing that.
How do I stop the @vite directive / vite from trying to use the vite dev server, and use the compiled assets? (As obviously, the vite server won't be running in prod).
I've tried APP_DEBUG=false
and APP_ENV=prod
in my .env, and ./vendor/bin/sail artisan view:clear
which makes no difference.
Deps are up to date: "laravel/framework": "^10.0", and "vite": "^3.2.7" (currently 4.4.2).
Turns out that if the 'hotfile' exists in ./public/hot
then the vite blade directive (see: vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Vite.php
) will try to look for the vite server and perform hot reloading.
Simply remove ./public/hot
and it all works fine!