I am trying to get the Previous Day High and Low using Request.Security. Here is my Code.
dh_func(sym) =>
sema = ta.ema(close, ema_len)
/// Get Days High///
[h1,h2,l1,l2] = request.security(sym, 'D', [high[0],high[1],low[0],low[1]])
//[h1,h2,l1,l2] = rp_security(sym, 'D')
dh = (ta.cross(sema,math.max(h1,h2)) and isToday) or (ta.cross(close,math.max(h1,h2)) and isToday)
dl = (ta.cross(sema,math.min(l1,l2)) and isToday) or (ta.cross(close,math.min(l1,l2)) and isToday)
It is working fine, but when the candle closed in lower timeframe, the screener results are getting blank.
Please help me to solve the issue.
Note: I have also tried using f_security() it didn't work either.
Finally it is resolved, f_security() worked, issue was related to ta.cross() now I am checking only
dh = close[1] > h1 and isToday
it worked.