I am very new to stats and have only taken one course so far (which did not cover this) so I am a little out of my wheelhouse. Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
I am working in SAS and am trying to figure out how to write a code where I can determine which, if any, of these predictors affect my outcome "value".
Details on my data: 4 groups basically, young female adults, senior female adults, young male adults, senior male adults. I have recorded a value for each group, but want to analyse this data continously rather than by group since each group ranges in age values. So far my data (and code that I have tried, and failed) looks something like this:
input Sex$ Age Value;
M 13 1
M 3 0.5
F 2 0.6
M 3 0.5
M 3 0.5
M 3 0.5
F 1 0.6
F 11 1.2
F 2 0.6
M 3 0.5
M 13 1
F 2 0.6
F 3 0.6
F 3 0.6
M 9 1
M 1 0.5
M 9 1
M 9 1
F 13 1.2
M 11 1
F 11 1.2
M 11 1
M 3 0.5
F 3 0.6
M 3 0.5
M 1 0.5
M 16 1
M 11 1
M 3 0.5
M 1 0.5
M 2 0.5
F 9 1.2
F 9 1.2
M 3 0.5
F 2 0.6
F 12 1.2
F 9 1.2
proc reg;
model Value= Age Sex;
proc reg;
model Value= Age;
proc reg;
model Value= Sex;
Proc reg;
model Value= Age Sex / selection= stepwise slentry=0.05;
proc corr;
var Sex Age Value;
I haven't even managed to put the weight predictor in there because I'm not sure how to add it. My code also does not like Sex being there.
I really just need to figure out if age, sex, or weight will affect my "value". Thank you in advance!
Of course, you have troubles with sex: it is a class variable, not a numeric one, so not suited for proc reg
. What you need, is one of the Mixed Models
Try this
proc mixed;
class sex;
model Value = Age Sex;