I have a Pine Script indicator that displays correctly for the SP:SPX ticker but not the CBOE:SPX ticker. These are the same ticker but are coming from different feeds.
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © 2023, Vincent Dentice
indicator("Opening Range", "OpeningRange", overlay = true)
bool showOnlyCurrentDay = input.bool(true, "Show only current day")
color defaultColor = color.new(color.yellow, 30)
color lineColorInput = input.color(defaultColor, "Color")
string sessionInput = input.session("0930-1000", "Session")
string timeframeInput = input.timeframe("D", "Timeframe")
sessionBegins(sess) =>
t = time("", sess)
timeframe.isintraday and (not barstate.isfirst) and na(t[1]) and not na(t)
isInSession(sess) =>
t = time("", sess)
timeframe.isintraday and (not barstate.isfirst) and not na(t)
var float hi = na
var float mid = na
var float lo = na
var line hiLine = na
var line midLine = na
var line loLine = na
if sessionBegins(sessionInput)
hi := high
lo := low
mid := (hi + lo) / 2.0
if isInSession(sessionInput)
hi := math.max(hi, high)
lo := math.min(lo, low)
mid := (hi + lo) / 2.0
if ta.change(time(timeframeInput))
if showOnlyCurrentDay
if na(hiLine)
hiLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, hi, bar_index, hi, color = lineColorInput, width = 2, extend = extend.right)
line.set_x1(hiLine, bar_index - 1)
line.set_y1(hiLine, hi)
line.set_x2(hiLine, bar_index)
line.set_y2(hiLine, hi)
if na(midLine)
midLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, mid, bar_index, mid, color = lineColorInput, width = 1, extend = extend.right, style = line.style_dashed)
line.set_x1(midLine, bar_index - 1)
line.set_y1(midLine, mid)
line.set_x2(midLine, bar_index)
line.set_y2(midLine, mid)
if na(loLine)
loLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, lo, bar_index, lo, color = lineColorInput, width = 2, extend = extend.right)
line.set_x1(loLine, bar_index - 1)
line.set_y1(loLine, lo)
line.set_x2(loLine, bar_index)
line.set_y2(loLine, lo)
line.set_extend(hiLine, extend.none)
line.set_extend(midLine, extend.none)
line.set_extend(loLine, extend.none)
hiLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, hi, bar_index, hi, color = lineColorInput, width = 2, extend = extend.right)
midLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, mid, bar_index, mid, color = lineColorInput, width = 1, extend = extend.right, style = line.style_dashed)
loLine := line.new(bar_index - 1, lo, bar_index, lo, color = lineColorInput, width = 2, extend = extend.right)
line.set_y1(hiLine, hi)
line.set_y1(midLine, mid)
line.set_y1(loLine, lo)
line.set_x2(hiLine, bar_index)
line.set_x2(midLine, bar_index)
line.set_x2(loLine, bar_index)
line.set_y2(hiLine, hi)
line.set_y2(midLine, mid)
line.set_y2(loLine, lo)
xUp = close > hiLine.get_y1() and close[1] <= hiLine.get_y1()
xDn = close < loLine.get_y1() and close[1] >= loLine.get_y1()
alertcondition(xUp, "Above Opening Range", "Current price is above opening range.")
alertcondition(xDn, "Below Opening Range", "Current price is below opening range.")
I think the problem has something to do with the timeframe calls near the top of the script, but I can't figure it out.
I am expecting the indicator to display the same results for both data feeds.
SP is in UTC-4 timezone and CBOE is in UTC-5. That's why the results are different because the sessions are different.
The time()
function has a third argument called timezone
timezone (series string) Timezone of the
argument. Can only be used when asession
is specified. Optional. The default is syminfo.timezone. Can be specified in GMT notation (e.g. "GMT-5") or as an IANA time zone database name (e.g. "America/New_York").
You can pass GMT-4
or whatever timezone you want to use to this and then they will be in sync.