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Open program in focused screen's tag and be persistent on it in Awesomewm

In awesomewm whenever I open a new client it opens in current focused tag, but If I move my focus to another tag it then opens in that tag.

I want it to open in my current tag where I tried to spawn it.

So, If I am on tag "1" and I spawn client X and then I switch focus to tag "2", client X should still open in tag "1" Even if the client X has multiple windows to draw for e.g discord has 2 windows ( loading and actual app).

I couldn't find anything.


  • The awful.spawn() function takes a second parameter for rules to apply to the opened client.

    See the documentation for the spawn function and the Spawning applications with specific properties section earlier on this same page.

    You can use these rules to force a specific tag to the client:

    awful.spawn("firefox", { tag = mouse.screen.selected_tag })

    (Note that it only works if the client supports the startup notifications protocol.)