The error CLEARTEXT communication to xxx not permitted by network security policy occurs when I connect the api server with tls 1.2 to retrofit. I know that this error occurs when you connect to http, is there any other reason? Is there anything I missed? My api server only compatible tls 1.2 My project target sdk 33, retrofit ver 2.9.0, okhttp 4.9.2
I want not use like this
At first, only the address was changed, but it didn't work, so make a ca certificate with fullchain.pem and add a client using ok http, the above error occurs.
object RetrofitObj {
private const val BASE_URL = base_api_url
fun create(context: Context): Retrofit {
val tmf: TrustManagerFactory? = getTrustManagerFactory(context)
var sslsocket = tmf?.let { getSSLSocketFactory(it) }
val hostnameVerifier = HostnameVerifier { _, session ->
HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier().run {
verify(VERIFY_DOMAIN, session)
val client = sslsocket?.let {
.sslSocketFactory(it, tmf?.trustManagers?.get(0) as X509TrustManager)
return Retrofit.Builder()
private fun getTrustManagerFactory(context: Context): TrustManagerFactory? {
val cf: CertificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")
val caInput: InputStream = context.resources.openRawResource(R.raw.fullchain2)
val ca: X509Certificate = caInput.use {
cf.generateCertificate(it) as X509Certificate
val keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType()
val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType).apply {
load(null, null)
setCertificateEntry("ca", ca)
val tmfAlgorithm: String = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()
val tmf: TrustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm).apply {
return tmf
private fun getSSLSocketFactory(
tmf: TrustManagerFactory
): SSLSocketFactory? {
val sslContext: SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
sslContext.init(null, tmf.trustManagers, null)
return sslContext.socketFactory
Let's see this article:
Basically, CSP (Content Security Policy) is an additional layer of security that aims to protect against data injection and XSS (cross-site-scripting)
In order to enable CSP, your web server needs to return a Content-Security-Policy header (see
Its syntax is of
Content-Security-Policy: <policy-directive>; <policy-directive>
where policy-directive (items separated by semicolon) is always of the form of
<directive> <value>
Alternatively, instead of a response header, you can also use a meta
tag to the same effect. Example:
content="default-src 'self'; img-src https://*; child-src 'none';" />
So, when you get an error complaining about CSP being violated, these are the items you need to check:
Now that you have everything you need in order to solve this problem, you will need to check what the policy is, what attempt of action was prevented by it and issue changes on your CSP that will make sure that CSP will allow that action in the future if you want to allow it.
Otherwise, if it's something you did not want in the first place, then find out why the behavior mentioned occurs and perform the necessary steps.