I'm trying to create an extension that can launch sounds through the microphone, mp3 sounds.
For example I want that a user enters a google meet call or any other service and that by pressing a button in the** popup.html** a sound is triggered that all the people in the conversation can hear.
Use software to redirect sound from speakers to microphone on your sound card (there are many apps) or you can create your own with c#
to play sound from the chrome extension use offscreen
"permissions": ["offscreen"]
* Plays audio files from extension service workers
* @param {string} source - path of the audio file
* @param {number} volume - volume of the playback
async function playSound(source = 'default.wav', volume = 1) {
await createOffscreen();
await chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ play: { source, volume } });
// Create the offscreen document if it doesn't already exist
async function createOffscreen() {
if (await chrome.offscreen.hasDocument()) return;
await chrome.offscreen.createDocument({
url: 'offscreen.html',
reasons: ['AUDIO_PLAYBACK'],
justification: 'testing' // details for using the API
<script src="offscreen.js"></script>
// Listen for messages from the extension
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
if ('play' in msg) playAudio(msg.play);
// Play sound with access to DOM APIs
function playAudio({ source, volume }) {
const audio = new Audio(source);
audio.volume = volume;