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Component is re rendering even after putting shallow in Zustand. using my custom comparing function also doesnt fix

i am using next 13 and typescript

this is my store

export const useModeStore = create<modeState>()(
        ((set) => ({
            // the mode of the test
            mode: "time",
            setMode: (newState: "time" | "zen") => set((state) => ({ mode: newState }) , false ),
            // the time mode of the test
            timeMode: {
                punctuation: false,
                number: false
            // function to toggle the nested object in the timeMode
            setTimeMode: (toggleWhat: "punctuation" | "number") => set((state) => ({
                timeMode: {
                    [toggleWhat]: !state.timeMode[toggleWhat]



function MyComponent(){
const [mode, setMode, timeMode, setTimeMode] = useModeStore(
    (store) => [store.mode, store.setMode, store.timeMode, store.setTimeMode],shallow

const renderCountRef = useRef(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('Component re-rendered', renderCountRef.current);


the above component uses only the mode and timeMode states. but it still rerenders every time testMode changes. event hough i have put shallow.

(prev, next) => {
      if (prev !== next) {
        console.log("false , component rerendered");
        return false;
      } else {
        console.log("true , component skipped");
        return true;

i have tried putting this instead of shallow. but it didnt help.

the console screenshot after i changed the shallow

console screenshot after putting the custom shallow function.

in the docs i couldnt find any detailed explaination of shallow.


  • i fixed the problem.

    i didnt know how it got fixed but here is what i did to fix it.

    my project earlier had mixed code of useContext() API and zustand.

    i completely ported my project to zustand and the components stopped rerendering without their state change.

    i have made 3 zustand stores

    i used zustand shallow everywhere.