I was reading Holgerwa's question and I have a question.
Is there any significant performance improvement by changing from dbExpress to other driver specific?
Can we use dbExpress and still use specific DB engine features?
Depends on which dbExpress driver and "other driver" to compare. But a good library may be faster than a standard dbExpress driver. You can see our benchmark results here. There TADQuery
is AnyDAC query object. Borl TSQLQuery
is Delphi TSQLQuery using standard dbExpress driver.
Yes, when a feature is accessible through database SQL dialect. No, if a feature is accessible through database client API. For example, using SQL Server dbExpress driver you can backup SQL Server database using BACKUP DATABASE
SQL command. But using Firebird dbExpress driver you cannot backup Firebird database, as that requires to use Firebird services API. The similar with many other areas.