I am trying to connect 3 relations - Photo, PhotoComment and PhotoRating. I want to let my users to have a possibility to rate a photo. These photos can have multiple comments by many users and multiple rates by many users (but only 1 rate per specific user). And I want to show that user rate on all comments that belongs to photos. However, I cannot make things work to show a rate inside comment and update it automatically whenever user change photo rate (uses ratePhoto
When I call ratePhoto
method I can see in PGAdmin that photoRatingId
is not connected with PhotoComment
and it's not updating rate there. However, ratePhoto
method works fine and saves rate of Photo
I'm using NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL and RxJS. I highly prefer to work on repository instead of queryBuilder
public ratePhoto(photoId: number, ratePhotoDto: RatePhotoDto, user: User): Observable<any> {
return this.getPhoto(photoId).pipe(
switchMap((photo: Photo) => from(this.photoRatingRepository.findOneBy({ photo: { id: photo.id }, user: { id: user.id } })).pipe(
map((photoRating: PhotoRating) => {
if (!photoRating) {
const newRating: PhotoRating = new PhotoRating();
newRating.rate = ratePhotoDto.rate;
newRating.user = user;
newRating.photo = photo;
return this.photoRatingRepository.save(newRating);
photoRating.rate = ratePhotoDto.rate;
return this.photoRatingRepository.save(photoRating);
export class Photo {
@OneToMany(() => PhotoComment, (photoComment: PhotoComment) => photoComment.photo)
public photoComments: PhotoComment[];
@OneToMany(() => PhotoRating, (photoRating: PhotoRating) => photoRating.photo)
public photoRatings: PhotoRating[];
export class PhotoComment {
@ManyToOne(() => Photo, (photo: Photo) => photo.photoComments, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
public photo: Photo;
@ManyToOne(() => PhotoRating, (photoRating: PhotoRating) => photoRating.photoComment)
@JoinColumn({ name: 'rate' })
public photoRating: PhotoRating;
@Unique(['user', 'photo'])
export class PhotoRating {
@Transform(({ value }) => +value)
@Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 3, scale: 2, default: 0 })
public rate: number;
@ManyToOne(() => Photo, (photo: Photo) => photo.photoRatings, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
public photo: Photo;
@OneToMany(() => PhotoComment, (photoComment: PhotoComment) => photoComment.photoRating, { cascade: true })
public photoComment: PhotoComment;
What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I figured it out. Most of the things were made correctly however because I wasn't updating PhotoComment Entity, my rate wasn't present on PhotoRating Entity. I didn't want to get all the comments and save it manually, however I forgot about .update()
method. I also refactored my method to use transaction
and instead of RxJS
I switched to promises because unfortunately, RxJS here wasn't the best option. So my code now looks more or less like this:
public async ratePhoto(photoId: number, ratePhotoDto: RatePhotoDto, user: User): Promise<void> {
await this.entityManager.transaction(async (entityManager: EntityManager) => {
const photo: Photo = await this.photoRepository.findOne({ where: { photo: { id: photoId } } });
const photoRating: PhotoRating = await this.photoRatingRepository.findOne({ where: { photo: { id: photo.id }, user: { id: user.id } } });
if (!photoRating) {
const newRating: PhotoRating = await entityManager.save( // Saving new rate of photo
{ ...ratePhotoDto, user, photo }
await entityManager.update( // Fast update all comments that should be updated
{ addedBy: { id: user.id }, photo: { id: photo.id } },
{ photoRating: newRating }
await entityManager.save( // Saving rate of photo
{ ...photoRating, ...ratePhotoDto }
await entityManager.update( // Fast update all comments that should be updated
{ addedBy: { id: user.id }, photo: { id: photo.id } },
{ photoRating }
export class Photo { // No changes here
@OneToMany(() => PhotoComment, (photoComment: PhotoComment) => photoComment.photo)
public photoComments: PhotoComment[];
@OneToMany(() => PhotoRating, (photoRating: PhotoRating) => photoRating.photo)
public photoRatings: PhotoRating[];
export class PhotoComment { // Deleted JoinColumn because I don't need that
@ManyToOne(() => Photo, (photo: Photo) => photo.photoComments, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
public photo: Photo;
@ManyToOne(() => PhotoRating, (photoRating: PhotoRating) => photoRating.photoComment)
public photoRating: PhotoRating;
@Unique(['user', 'photo'])
export class PhotoRating { // Deleted { cascade: true | from PhotoComment because I don't want it
@Transform(({ value }) => +value)
@Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 3, scale: 2, default: 0 })
public rate: number;
@ManyToOne(() => Photo, (photo: Photo) => photo.photoRatings, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
public photo: Photo;
@OneToMany(() => PhotoComment, (photoComment: PhotoComment) => photoComment.photoRating)
public photoComment: PhotoComment;
And now it's working perfectly and fast. I had also to adjust my code when user adds a comment when photo is already rated but that's the same case with .update()
method like above